Philips SHS4841-28 User Manual

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Earhook Headphones
Extra comfortable
Adjustable earhook fits all ears
This inner earhook sleeves of this headphone can be adjusted to sit on 5 different positions
for a more personalized fit. Air in-between the caps and speakers allows for a soft feel as
the caps become softer like a cushion.
Music to your ears
24k gold-plated plug ensures an ultra reliable connection
Bass beat vents allow air movement for better sound
Made to fit you and your lifestyle
Contoured earhook increase wearing comfort and stability
13.5mm speaker driver optimizes wearing comfort
Air cushioned caps for superb cushioning comfort
Always ready to go
Stays comfortably in your ear when you are on the move
Durable Flexi-Grip makes a strong flexible connection
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Extra comfortable

PhilipsEarhook HeadphonesSHS4841Extra comfortableAdjustable earhook fits all earsThis inner earhook sleeves of this headphone can be adjusted to sit

Page 2 - Highlights

SpecificationsSHS4841/28Earhook HeadphonesHighlights Contoured earhookThe earhook stays put behind your ear even when you're on the move, keeping

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