Philips 14PT6441 Specifications

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Published by WS 0665 BG CD Customer Service Printed in the Netherlands Subject to modification EN 3122 785 13933
Copyright 2006 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior permission of Philips.
Color Television Chassis
CL 36532044_000.eps
Contents Page
1. Technical Specifications, Connections, and Chassis
Overview 2
2. Safety Instructions, Warnings, and Notes 4
3. Directions for Use 7
4. Mechanical Instructions 8
5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding 9
6. Block Diagrams, Test Point Overviews, and
Block Diagram 13
I2C and Supply Voltage Overview 14
Testpoint Overview Mono Carrier and CRT Panel15
7. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Diagram PWB
Mono Carrier: Power Supply (A1)16 26-31
Mono Carrier: Deflection (A2)17 26-31
Mono Carrier: Tuner IF (A3)18 26-31
Mono Carrier: Video Processing (A4)19 26-31
Mono Carrier: Audio Processing (A5)20 26-31
Mono Carrier: Audio Amplifier (A6)21 26-31
Mono Carrier: Font I/O + Control + HP (A7)22 26-31
Mono Carrier: Rear I/O Cinch (A8)23 26-31
Mono Carrier: Diversity Table for Rear I/O (A8)24 26-31
Mono Carrier: DVD Power Supply (Optional)(A9)25 26-31
CRT Panel (B1)32 33
Side AV Panel (D) 34 35
Top Control Panel (E)36 36
8. Alignments 37
9. Circuit Descriptions, List of Abbreviations, and IC
Data Sheets 44
Abbreviation List 47
IC Data Sheets 49
10. Spare Parts List 50
11. Revision List 55
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1 2 ... 56

Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Color Television Chassis

Published by WS 0665 BG CD Customer Service Printed in the Netherlands Subject to modification EN 3122 785 13933©Copyright 2006 Philips Consumer Elect

Page 2 - 1.2 Connections

Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault FindingEN 10 L03.1U AA5.– A = the project name (L03).– B = the region: E= Europe, A= Asia Pacific, U= NAFTA, L=

Page 3 - 1.3 Chassis Overview

Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault FindingEN 11L03.1U AA 5.3. ComPair speeds up the repair time since it can automatically communicate with the cha

Page 4 - E_06532_007.eps

Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault FindingEN 12 L03.1U AA5.• Set turns on, but without picture and sound. The screen shows snow, but OSD and other

Page 5 - EN 5L03.1U AA 2

Block Diagrams, Test Point Overviews, and WaveformsEN 13L03.1U AA 6.6. Block Diagrams, Test Point Overviews, and WaveformsBlock DiagramPOWER SUPPLY021

Page 6 - EN 6 L03.1U AA2

EN 14L03.1U AA 6.Block Diagrams, Test Point Overviews, and WaveformsI2C and Supply Voltage OverviewPOWER SUPPLY02124321281210133625613504CL 36532083_0

Page 7 - 3. Directions for Use

Block Diagrams, Test Point Overviews, and WaveformsEN 15L03.1U AA 6.Testpoint Overview Mono Carrier and CRT PanelCL 36532044_031.eps200603MainsSwitchC

Page 8 - 4. Mechanical Instructions

EN 16L03.1U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts7. Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsMono Carrier: Power Supplyt+tRsRpVSTART-UPCURRENT SOURCEVALLEYSTAR

Page 9 - 5.2 Service Modes

Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsEN 17L03.1U AA 7.Mono Carrier: DeflectionFOCUS1EHTSCREENNCDEFGHABCDEFGH0221 C40222 G61462 G71463 E82405 E42406 D52407

Page 10 - 5.4 Service Tools

EN 18L03.1U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsMono Carrier: Tuner IFGND NCA4RESRESFAMILY BOARD 11 NC : 3139_123_5595MAIN CHASSIS 11 NC : 3139_123_

Page 11 - 5.7 Repair Tips


Page 12 - EN 12 L03.1U AA5

Technical Specifications, Connections, and Chassis OverviewEN 2 L03.1U AA1.1. Technical Specifications, Connections, and Chassis OverviewIndex of this

Page 13 - Block Diagram


Page 14 - C and Supply Voltage Overview

Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsEN 21L03.1U AA 7.Mono Carrier: Audio Amplifier10ABCDEFABCDEF0246 B100251 F22901 A62903 B52904 B4F9081n2905123456789101


EN 22L03.1U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsMono Carrier: Font I/O + Control + HPF0218-A C10218-B B10218-C B10232 E40239 B60259 E90277-A B10277-B


Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsEN 23L03.1U AA 7.Mono Carrier: Rear I/O Cinch45678910ABCDEFGABCDEFG0223-A A100223-B F10223-C C10223-D A10224 A61234567


EN 24L03.1U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsMono Carrier: Diversity Table for Rear I/O -BC847BBZX384-C6V8 -JMP - -JMP -JMPJMPJMPJMP75R100RJM

Page 18 - TUNER IF

Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsEN 25L03.1U AA 7.Mono Carrier: DVD Power Supply (Optional)VCCOSCSS_INHCOMP GND BOOTOUTFB35741571 B61572 A62572 B22573


EN 26L03.1U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsLayout Mono Carrier: (Top Side)G_13933_010.eps0305063139 123 5596.50211 A20212 B20213 B20217 D30218 C

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Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsEN 27L03.1U AA 7.Layout Mono Carrier (Overview Bottom Side)2001 E12003 E12004 E12005 E12101 D12102 E12103 D12104 D1210

Page 21 - Mono Carrier: Audio Amplifier

EN 28L03.1U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsLayout Mono Carrier (Part 1 Bottom Side)G_13933_011a.eps050506Part 1

Page 22

Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsEN 29L03.1U AA 7.Layout Mono Carrier (Part 2 Bottom Side)Part 2G_13933_011b.eps050506

Page 23 - REAR I/O CINCH

Technical Specifications, Connections, and Chassis OverviewEN 3L03.1U AA 1.1.3 Chassis OverviewFigure 1-3 Chassis overviewB1MAINCHASSISPANELA1EA2A3A4A

Page 24 - 3139 123 5596.1

EN 30L03.1U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsLayout Mono Carrier (Part 3 Bottom Side)G_13933_011c.eps050506Part 3


Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsEN 31L03.1U AA 7.Layout Mono Carrier (Part 4 Bottom Side)G_13933_011d.eps050506Part 4

Page 26

EN 32L03.1U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsCRT PanelBlueGreenRedABCDEFABCDEFVG2 E90165 A61300 B11301-1 A61302-A C61303 A62300 B32301 C32302 D461

Page 27

Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsEN 33L03.1U AA 7.Layout CRT Panel (Top Side)G_13933_013.eps0105063139 123 5604.4VG2 A20165 A11300 A21301 A11302 A11303

Page 28 - EN 28L03.1U AA 7

EN 34L03.1U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsSide AV PanelHEADPHONEHR-SINGLE BOARD 12NC : 3141_053_31150L+L-BZX79-C6V8131210uF17680219OFL+L-RE

Page 29 - EN 29L03.1U AA 7

Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsEN 35L03.1U AA 7.Layout Side AV Panel (Top Side) 0250 B10252 A10253 C10254 B10255 C10278 B11810 A12171 A12172 B12173 B

Page 30 - EN 30L03.1U AA 7

EN 36L03.1U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsTop Control PanelLayout Top Control Panel (Top Side)1014123123ABAB1010 A11011 B31012 B31013 B21014 B2

Page 31 - EN 31L03.1U AA 7

AlignmentsEN 37L03.1U AA 8.8. AlignmentsIndex of this chapter:8.1 General Alignment Conditions8.2 Hardware Alignments8.3 Software Alignments and Se

Page 32 - CRT PANEL

AlignmentsEN 38 L03.1U AA8.Figure 8-2 V_cutoffTable 8-1 Vg2 alignment values8.2.2 Focusing1. Connect the RF output of a video pattern generator to the

Page 33 - Layout CRT Panel (Top Side)

AlignmentsEN 39L03.1U AA 8.Option Bit AssignmentFollowing are the option bit assignments for all L03 software clusters.Table 8-3 Option Bit Assignment

Page 34 - Side AV Panel

Safety Instructions, Warnings, and NotesEN 4 L03.1U AA2.2. Safety Instructions, Warnings, and Notes Index of this chapter:2.1 Safety Instructions2.2

Page 35 - 3141 053 3115.2

AlignmentsEN 40 L03.1U AA8.8.3.2 TunerNote: Described alignments are only necessary when the NVM (part reference number 7641) is replaced.IFPLLThis ad


AlignmentsEN 41L03.1U AA 8.– Reconnect the television set to AC power. – Turn the television set 'on' by using the 'POWER' button

Page 37 - 8. Alignments

AlignmentsEN 42 L03.1U AA8.4. Press the SMART PICTURE button on the remote control transmitter repeatedly to choose PERSONAL or MOVIES picture mode.5.

Page 38 - EN 38 L03.1U AA8

AlignmentsEN 43L03.1U AA the MENU button (do not allow the display to time out between entries while keying the sequence).2. Use the MENU UP/DOWN

Page 39 - EN 39L03.1U AA 8

Circuit Descriptions, List of Abbreviations, and IC Data SheetsEN 44 L03.1U AA9.9. Circuit Descriptions, List of Abbreviations, and IC Data SheetsInde

Page 40 - EN 40 L03.1U AA8

Circuit Descriptions, List of Abbreviations, and IC Data SheetsEN 45L03.1U AA 9.The selected external audio source is then fed to the AN5829 AUX1 inpu

Page 41 - EN 41L03.1U AA 8

Circuit Descriptions, List of Abbreviations, and IC Data SheetsEN 46 L03.1U AA9.The L03 range consists of TV sets spanning from 14 to 21 inch using th

Page 42 - PAL chassis)

Circuit Descriptions, List of Abbreviations, and IC Data SheetsEN 47L03.1U AA 9.PW_ADJ This signal is generated by the UOC through a PWM port. This PW

Page 43 - EN 43L03.1U AA 8

Circuit Descriptions, List of Abbreviations, and IC Data SheetsEN 48 L03.1U AA9.ITV Institutional TV LATAM Latin American countries like Brazil, Argen

Page 44 - 9.2 Source Selection

Circuit Descriptions, List of Abbreviations, and IC Data SheetsEN 49L03.1U AA 9.9.10 IC Data SheetsThis section shows the internal block diagrams and

Page 45 - 50 msecs

Safety Instructions, Warnings, and NotesEN 5L03.1U AA 2.semiconductors in the unit, irrespective of the type indication on these semiconductors.• Manu

Page 46 - 9.8 Control

Spare Parts ListEN 50 L03.1U AA10.10. Spare Parts ListSets Used8670 000 19917 14PT6441/378670 000 23674 20MT4405/178670 000 19919 20PT5441/378670 000

Page 47 - 9.9 Abbreviation List

Spare Parts ListEN 51L03.1U AA 10.2408 2022 333 00278 680nF 5% 250V2408 9965 000 24840 0.68µF 5% 250V2420 2020 552 00164 100nF 10% 50V 06032420 2238 5

Page 48 - EN 48 L03.1U AA9

Spare Parts ListEN 52 L03.1U AA10.3101 4822 051 30689 68Ω 5% 0.063W 06033101 9965 000 27239 68Ω 5% 1/10W 06033102 4822 051 30102 1kΩ 5% 0.062W3102 996

Page 49 - Test Circuit

Spare Parts ListEN 53L03.1U AA 10.3520 4822 117 11817 1.2kΩ 1% 0.0625W3520 9965 000 27320 1.2kΩ 1/10W 06033522 4822 051 30334 330kΩ 5% 0.062W3522 9965

Page 50 - 10. Spare Parts List

Spare Parts ListEN 54 L03.1U AA10.6452 4822 130 11397 BAS3166452 9340 255 30135 BAS2166453 4822 130 34142 BZX79-B336453 9965 000 15716 33V 5% 0.5W6460

Page 51 - EN 51L03.1U AA 10

Revision ListEN 55L03.1U AA 11.11. Revision ListManual xxxx xxx xxxx.0• First release.Manual xxxx xxx xxxx.1• information for 27V model added.Manual x

Page 52 - EN 52 L03.1U AA10

Revision ListEN 56 L03.1U AA11.

Page 53 - EN 53L03.1U AA 10

Safety Instructions, Warnings, and NotesEN 6 L03.1U AA2.• For sets produced before 1.1.2005, containing leaded soldering tin and components, all neede

Page 54 - Control Board [E]

Directions for UseEN 7L03.1U AA 3.3. Directions for UseYou can download this information from the following websites:

Page 55 - 11. Revision List

Mechanical InstructionsEN 8 L03.1U AA4.4. Mechanical InstructionsIndex of this chapter:4.1 Rear Cover Removal4.2 Service Position Main Panel4.3 Rea

Page 56 - EN 56 L03.1U AA11

Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault FindingEN 9L03.1U AA 5.5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault FindingIndex of this chapter:5.1 Test Points5.2

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