Philips 8140XL User Manual

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A closer, faster shave
50% more shaving surface
The advanced Speed-XL shaving heads provide 50% more shaving surface* for a faster
and closer shave. *compared to standard rotary shaving heads
50% more shaving surface
Speed-XL shaving heads with 50% more shaving surface
Shaves even the shortest stubble
Precision Cutting System
Comfortably close
Super Lift & Cut® technology
Adjusts to every curve of your face and neck
•Reflex Action® System
Individually floating heads
Simply rinses clean
Washable shaver
Philips Norelco Speed-XL
electric razor
Precision Cutting System
Super Lift & Cut® technology
Washable shaver
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - A closer, faster shave

A closer, faster shave50% more shaving surfaceThe advanced Speed-XL shaving heads provide 50% more shaving surface* for a faster and closer shave. *co

Page 2 - Electric razor

8140XLElectric razor Specifications Product highlights Shaving System• Speed-XL shaving heads• Precision Cutting System• Super Lift & Cut® techno

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