Philips 8718291658078 Datasheet

Browse online or download Datasheet for Energy-saving lamps Philips 8718291658078. Philips Softone Lustre energy saving bulb 8718291658078 User Manual

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Luster energy saving bulb
7 W (30 W)
B22 cap
Warm white
Experience softer light
Create a warm, inviting ambiance
This Philips Softone energy-saving bulb provides warm, soft light that is easy on the eyes.
For a cosy atmosphere. With its 10-year lifetime, this low-consumption bulb will save you
money while complementing your luminaires beautifully.
Innovative design
Looks like a standard luster bulb
Soft, easy on the eyes light
Saves energy and money
Saves up to 80% energy
Long lifetime - lasting up to 10 years
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Experience softer light

PhilipsLuster energy saving bulb7 W (30 W)B22 capWarm white8718291658078Experience softer lightCreate a warm, inviting ambianceThis Philips Softone

Page 2 - Specifications

Issue date 2013-10-22Version: 1.0.012 NC: 9296 891 20303EAN: 87 18291 65807 8© 2013 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are sub

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