Philips 13MT143S Specifications

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Published by JH 0463 Service PaCE Printed in the Netherlands Subject to modification EN 3122 785 14560
Copyright 2004 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior permission of Philips.
Colour Television Chassis
Contents Page
1. Technical Specifications, Connections,
and Chassis Overview 2
2. Safety Instructions, Warnings, and Notes 4
3. Directions for Use 6
4. Mechanical Instructions 19
5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Faultfinding 20
6. Block Diagrams, Testpoint Overview, and
Block Diagram 25
C and Supply Voltage Overview 26
Testpoint Overview Mono Carrier & CRT Panel 27
7. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Diagram PWB
Power Supply (Diagram A1) 28 35-38
Deflection (Diagram A2) 29 35-38
Tuner IF (Diagram A3) 30 35-38
IF, Video Proc., Control, and Sync(Diagram A4) 31 35-38
Audio - BTSC Stereo Decoder (Diagram A5) 32 35-38
Audio Amp.+ Mono Sound Proc. (Diagram A6) 33 35-38
Front I/O + Control + Headphone (Diagram A7) 34 35-38
CRT Panel (Diagram B1) 39 40
8. Alignments 41
9. Circuit Descriptions 48
Abbreviation List 51
IC Data Sheets 52
10 Spare Parts List 53
11 Revision List 55
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1 2 ... 55

Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Colour Television Chassis

Published by JH 0463 Service PaCE Printed in the Netherlands Subject to modification EN 3122 785 14560©Copyright 2004 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V

Page 2 - 1.2 Connections

Directions for UseEN 10 L03.2U AA3.HOW TOADD ORDELETECHANNELS10Channel Edit makes it easy for you to ADDor DELETE channels from the list of chan-nels

Page 3 - 1.3 Chassis Overview

Directions for UseEN 11L03.2U AA 3.HOW TO USE THE SOUND CONTROLS (20MS233S ONLY)12SoundTreble Boost On Bass Boost Ba

Page 4 - 2.3 Warnings

Directions for UseEN 12 L03.2U AA3.UNDERSTANDING THE SMARTLOCK™ CONTROLS14The SmartLock™ feature is an integrated cir-cuit that receives and processes

Page 5 - 2.4 Notes


Page 6 - 3. Directions for Use


Page 7 - Battery Installation

Directions for UseEN 15L03.2U AA 3.OTHER SMARTLOCK™ BLOCKING OPTIONS20SmartLock™ offers the viewer otherblocking features as well. With theseBlocking

Page 8 - EN 8 L03.2U AA3


Page 9

Directions for UseEN 17L03.2U AA 3.USING THE SMARTSOUND™ CONTROLThe Smart Sound feature allows the lis-tener to select between four differentfactory s


Directions for UseEN 18 L03.2U AA3.ALTERNATE CHANNEL26Your remote control has an AlternateChannel button that allows you to togglebetween the current

Page 11 - Bass Boost

Mechanical InstructionsEN 19L03.2U AA 4.4. Mechanical InstructionsIndex:1. Rear cover removal.2. Service Position Main panel.3. Rear cover mounting.4.


Technical Specifications, Connections, and Chassis OverviewEN 2 L03.2U AA1.1. Technical Specifications, Connections, and Chassis Overview1.1 Technical

Page 13 - EN 13L03.2U AA 3

Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault FindingEN 20 L03.2U AA5.5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault FindingIndex:1. Test points.2. Service Modes.3.

Page 14 - BLOCKING P

Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault FindingEN 21L03.2U AA 5.• LLLL. This is the operation hours counter. It counts the normal operation hours, not t

Page 15 - MAGNAVOX

Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault FindingEN 22 L03.2U AA5.• ComPair speeds up the repair time since it can automatically communicate with the chas

Page 16

Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault FindingEN 23L03.2U AA 5.5.5 Error CodesIn case of non-intermittent faults, clear the error buffer before you beg


Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault FindingEN 24 L03.2U AA5.E_06532_012.eps130204


Block Diagrams, Testpoint Overviews, and Waveforms 25L03.2U AA 6.6. Block Diagrams, Testpoint Overviews, and WaveformsBlock DiagramPOWER SUPPLY1512432

Page 19 - 4. Mechanical Instructions

26L03.2U AA 6.Block Diagrams, Testpoint Overviews, and WaveformsI2C and Supply Voltage OverviewPOWER SUPPLY15124321271011362561151190VAC-130VAClow ra

Page 20 - CL 36532044_033.eps

Block Diagrams, Testpoint Overviews, and Waveforms 27L03.2U AA 6.Testpoint Overview Mono Carrier and CRT Panel34567889101113021300CRTSocketV17V15V16V1

Page 21 - 5.4 ComPair

28L03.2U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts7. Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsMono Carrier: Power Supply+tVSTART-UPCURRENT SOURCEVALLEYSTART-UPCUR

Page 22 - EN 22 L03.2U AA5

Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts 29L03.2U AA 7.Mono Carrier: DeflectionVG2EHTFOCUS6422BYD33M244710uD591011ABCDEFGHABCDEFGH1400 E101401 C41402 G61463 E

Page 23

Technical Specifications, Connections, and Chassis OverviewEN 3L03.2U AA 1.1.3 Chassis OverviewFigure 1-3 Chassis overviewB1MONOCARRIERA1A2A3A4POWER S

Page 24 - E_06532_012.eps

30L03.2U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsMono Carrier: Tuner IFGND NCBCDEABCDE1000 C51001 D71003 D31004 E62001 C32002 C42003 D42004 D42005 C6200

Page 25 - Block Diagram

Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts 31L03.2U AA 7.Mono Carrier: IF, Video Processing, Control, and Sync. H-OSC + PLLPAL/SEC/NTSCDECODERBASE-BANDDELAY LIN

Page 26 - C and Supply Voltage Overview

32L03.2U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsMono Carrier: Audio - BTSC Stereo Decoder (Economic)CTRL AMPL-RVOLUMELEFTCTRLFILREFANDTONERIGHTCTRLTONE

Page 27 - 27L03.2U AA 6

Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts 33L03.2U AA 7.Mono Carrier: Audio Amplifier + Mono Sound Processing5PIN4K71V4NO19002904290639033904790179023PIN1U2K75

Page 28 - Mono Carrier: Power Supply

34L03.2U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsMono Carrier: Front I/O + Front Control + Headphone1181RES*volume+DEFGHABCDEFGH1100-A B11100-B C11101-A

Page 29 - Mono Carrier: Deflection

Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts 35L03.2U AA 7.Layout Mono Carrier (Top Side)E_14560_001.eps1902043139 123 5802.11000 D41001 C41003 D41004 C41100 A411

Page 30 - Mono Carrier: Tuner IF

36L03.2U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsLayout Mono Carrier (Overview Bottom Side)E_14560_002.eps1902043139 123 5802.1Part 1E_14560_002a.epsPar


Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts 37L03.2U AA 7.Layout Mono Carrier (Part 1 Bottom Side)E_14560_002a.eps190204Part 1

Page 32 - 3139 123 5802.1

38L03.2U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsLayout Mono Carrier (Part 2 Bottom Side)E_14560_002b.eps190204Part 2

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Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts 39L03.2U AA 7.CRT PanelRGBBlueGreenRed***Item109V0EFGABCDEFGVG2 E91300 B11301-1 A71302-A C71303 A71304 A72300 B32301

Page 34

Safety and Maintenance Instructions, Warnings, and NotesEN 4 L03.2U AA2.2. Safety and Maintenance Instructions, Warnings, and NotesIndex of this chapt

Page 35

40L03.2U AA 7.Circuit Diagrams and PWB LayoutsLayout CRT Panel (Top Side)E_14560_011.eps1902043139 123 5800.1VG2 A11300 A11301 B11302 B11303 B11304 B

Page 36 - E_14560_002b.eps

AlignmentsEN 41L03.2U AA 8.8. AlignmentsIndex of this chapter:1. General Alignment Conditions2. Hardware Alignments3. Software Alignments and Settings

Page 37

AlignmentsEN 42 L03.2U AA8.Figure 8-2 V_cutoffTable 8-1 Vg2 alignment values8.2.2 Focusing1. Connect the RF output of a video pattern generator to the

Page 38 - 38L03.2U AA 7

AlignmentsEN 43L03.2U AA 8.Option bit description:Option Byte Option Bit DefinitionOP # Assignment Bit = [0] Bit = [1] Default setting1 OBx0 CHINA or

Page 39 - CRT Panel

AlignmentsEN 44 L03.2U AA8.5 OBx0 PIP or CLOCK Feature is disabled or not applicable Feature is enabled LATAM & NAFTA: 0OBx1 HOTEL_MODE Hotel mode

Page 40 - Layout CRT Panel (Top Side)

AlignmentsEN 45L03.2U AA TUNERNote: Described alignments are only necessary when the NVM (part reference number 7641) is replaced.IFPLLThis ad

Page 41 - 8. Alignments

AlignmentsEN 46 L03.2U AA8.8.3.4 GEOMETRYIntroductionThe geometry alignment menu contains several items for correct picture geometry alignment.Figure

Page 42 - EN 42 L03.2U AA8

AlignmentsEN 47L03.2U AA 8.The table below lists the default GEOMETRY values for the different television sets.Table 8-3 Default geometry values8.3.5

Page 43 - EN 43L03.2U AA 8

Circuit Descriptions, List of Abbreviations, and IC Data SheetsEN 48 L03.2U AA9.9. Circuit Descriptions, List of Abbreviations, and IC Data SheetsInde

Page 44 - EN 44 L03.2U AA8

Circuit Descriptions, List of Abbreviations, and IC Data SheetsEN 49L03.2U AA 9.The volume level is controlled at this IC (pin 9) by the "VOLUME&

Page 45 - EN 45L03.2U AA 8

Safety and Maintenance Instructions, Warnings, and NotesEN 5L03.2U AA 2.2.4 Notes2.4.1 General• Measure the voltages and waveforms with regard to the

Page 46 - PAL chassis)

Circuit Descriptions, List of Abbreviations, and IC Data SheetsEN 50 L03.2U AA9.9.8 ControlThe microprocessor part of the UOC has the complete control

Page 47 - EN 47L03.2U AA 8

Circuit Descriptions, List of Abbreviations, and IC Data SheetsEN 51L03.2U AA 9.9.9 Abbreviation list2CS 2 Carrier (or Channel) StereoACI Automatic Ch

Page 48 - 9.3 Audio

Circuit Descriptions, List of Abbreviations, and IC Data SheetsEN 52 L03.2U AA9.9.10 IC Data SheetsThis section shows the internal block diagrams and

Page 49 - 9.7 Power Supply

Spare Parts ListEN 53L03.2U AA 10.10. Spare Parts ListMono Carrier [A]Various9965 000 23771 Cable 8p 450mm9965 000 23800 Battery spring1001 9965 000 2

Page 50 - 9.8 Control

Spare Parts ListEN 54 L03.2U AA10.3489 9965 000 17505 10kΩ 5% 0.1W3490 4822 051 20332 2.3kΩ 5% 0.1W3491 4822 111 31023 47k 5% 0.16W3492 4822 117 10965

Page 51 - 9.9 Abbreviation list

Revision ListEN 55L03.2U AA 11.11. Revision ListFirst release.

Page 52 - Test Circuit

Directions for UseEN 6 L03.2U AA3.3. Directions for UseCable Box Connections2TOTV/VCRCABLEINIRUSBDVD-D OUTAUDIO INSPDIFVIDEOIN OUTS-VIDEOR

Page 53 - 10. Spare Parts List

Directions for UseEN 7L03.2U AA 3.Basic TV and Remote Control Illustrations41Press POWER to turn on theTV.2Press VOLUME + to increasethe sound level.

Page 54 - CRT panel [B]

Directions for UseEN 8 L03.2U AA3.Description of Remote Control Buttons (Cont’d)6123POWERCHCHVOLVOLSTATUSEXITSLEEPMUTESMARTPICTURE SOUNDSURFA/CH456789

Page 55 - 11. Revision List

Directions for UseEN 9L03.2U AA 3.The TUNER MODE control allows youto change the TV’s signal input toeither ANTENNA, CABLE, or AUTOmode. It’s importan

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